Market View

The U.S. market was shifted to an Uptrend Under Pressure. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq declined ~1.0% and 0.8%, respectively for the week. Both breached and closed below the 21-DMA on Thursday. It was the first time both indices closed below their 21-DMAs since early-January. Indices retook their 21-DMAs on Friday, and if they settle back above for several days, we could shift the market back to Confirmed Uptrend. Otherwise, another break below leaves support at rising 50-DMAs (5,083/15,980). The distribution day count stands at five and eight, respectively, with two expiring on the Nasdaq next week.

O’Neil Health Care Weekly

XLV gained 1.6% last week, after finding support at its 21-DMA ($145.90). Overall absolute action remains positive with resistance at
the prior high of $148.27. Though its RS line (vs. S&P 500 and Nasdaq) bounced off lows, the overall trend still remains down,
warranting an equal-to under-weight sector positioning.

Market View

The U.S. market remains in a Confirmed Uptrend. Indices closed mixed, with the S&P 500 rising 0.4%, and the Nasdaq declining
marginally. Both indices remain at or within 1% of their all-time highs. Short-term support for both indices remains at the 10-DMA
(5,207/16,292), followed by the rising 21-DMA (5,166/16,197). The distribution day count on the indices remains at four and eight,
respectively, with one expiring on each next week.

O’Neil Health Care Weekly

XLV continues to trade relatively flat, still consolidating gains ~2% off highs and above 50-DMA ($143.74) support. Despite absolute
price action remaining intact, its RS line (vs. S&P 500 and Nasdaq) made another new low last week, warranting an under-to equalweight sector positioning.

Market View

The U.S. market remains in a Confirmed Uptrend. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq gained +2% and touched another new all-time
high. Short-term support for both indices remains at their respective 10-DMA (5,184/16,242) followed by the rising 21-DMA
(5,136/16,117). The distribution day count declined to four and seven, respectively, with another day set to expire on each index after
the close on Monday.

O’Neil Health Care Weekly

XLV has been consolidating for four weeks, pulling back 73bps last week and now narrowly below its 21-DMA ($145.56). Support
below this level is the rising 50-DMA ($143.20). We continue to recommend an equal-weight sector positioning given its RS line
remains in a longer-term downtrend.

Market View

The U.S. market remains in a Confirmed Uptrend. Last week, the S&P 500 fell 0.1%, while the Nasdaq lost 0.7%. The S&P 500 is testing support at its 21-DMA (5,089). The Nasdaq is slightly below its 21-DMA (15,997), leaving its next support 2% below at its 50-DMA (15,618). It has not been below the 50-DMA since early-November 2023. The distribution day count on the indices is elevated at six and nine, respectively. However, three will expire on each index over the next six trading days.

O’Neil Health Care Weekly

XLV traded relatively flat last week, still holding support along its rising 21-DMA ($145.19). Support below this level is the rising 50-DMA
($142.30). We continue to recommend an equal-weight sector positioning given its RS line remains in a longer-term downtrend and
has yet to make short-term progress. With that said, we believe any sustained pullback in the market will result in relative
improvement in the sector.

Market View

The U.S. market remains in a Confirmed Uptrend. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq bounced off 21-DMA support (5,055/15,929) mid-week but staged a downside reversal on Friday. However, both indices remain near all-time highs and above 21-DMA support. The distribution day count increased to eight on the Nasdaq and remains at five on the S&P 500 with one day expiring on each index next week.

O’Neil Health Care Weekly

XLV declined 1% last week, but held 21-DMA ($144.64) support Friday. We continue to recommend an equal-weight sector
positioning as its RS line remains in a longer-term downtrend versus the broader market. Within the sector, we continue to
recommend an overweight positioning in Medical Technology and Biotech.